个人信息 Personal information
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,侯思远,王玉惠,李云鑫.高超声速飞行器气动耦合分析及协调控制研究:吉林大学学报(信息科学版),2019
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Yan, Kun,陈谋.Robust fault tolerant tracking control for unmanned autonomous helicopter with disturbance:Chinese Control Conf., CCC,2018
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Xia, Rongsheng,陈谋.Disturbance observer-based optimal longitudinal trajectory control of near space vehicle:Sci. China Inf. Sci.,2019
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Yong, Kenan,陈谋.Wind Estimation-based Robust Flight Control for UAV with Active Maneuverability Limit:IEEE Int Symp Ind Electron,2019
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Yan, Kun,陈谋.LQR-Based optimal tracking fault tolerant control for a helicopter with actuator faults:Proc. IEEE Data Driven Control Learn. Syst. Conf., DDCLS,2018
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Qu, Youjie.Trajectory-tracking control for small unmanned helicopter based on SDRE:Dongnan Daxue Xuebao,2017
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Yan, Xiaohui,Xia, Rongsheng.Modelling and Adaptive Robust Control for NSVs with Stochastic Perturbation:2017 EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING (ICICIP),2017
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Zhang, Luo,Xiong, Shixun.Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Networked Control Systems with Packet Dropouts and Qu...:2017 32ND YOUTH ACADEMIC ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF CHINESE ASSOCIATION OF AUTOMATION (YAC),2017
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Xia, Rongsheng,Yan, Xiaohui.Disturbance observer based optimal attitude control of NSV Using θ ? method:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,2017
- 吴庆宪,吴庆宪,Yong, Kenan,陈谋.Disturbance observer based target tracking control for unmanned aerial vehicles:Int. Conf. Adv. Mechatronic Sys., ICAMechS,2018