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 博士生导师 学历:硕士研究生毕业 毕业院校:南京工学院 所在单位:自动化学院

Disturbance observer based optimal attitude control of NSV Using θ ? method

点击次数: 所属单位:自动化学院 发表刊物:Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 摘要:In this paper, a disturbance observer based optimal attitude control scheme using θ − method is presented for the near space vehicle (NSV). Firstly, θ − method is used to design the optimal controller for the nominal system without considering the disturbance. Secondly, nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) technique is applied to estimate the disturbance and the estimation result can be used as the disturbance compensation term. Then, the composite controller consisting of optimal controller and disturbance compensation term is proposed. The closed-loop system signals are proved to be uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) using Lyapunov method. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of proposed control scheme. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. ISSN号:0302-9743 是否译文: 发表时间:2017-01-01 合写作者:Xia, Rongsheng,Yan, Xiaohui 通讯作者:吴庆宪