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 博士生导师 学历:硕士研究生毕业 毕业院校:南京工学院 所在单位:自动化学院

Modelling and Adaptive Robust Control for NSVs with Stochastic Perturbation

点击次数: 所属单位:自动化学院 发表刊物:2017 EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING (ICICIP) 关键字:Keywords Near space vehicles Stochastic perturbation Adaptive control RBFNNs Backstepping technique 摘要:In this paper, based on pre-existing control-oriented model (COM), considering the aerodynamic coefficients suffer to stochastic perturbation, a new control model of the longitudinal dynamics with stochastic perturbation is obtained. Furthermore, by using radial basis neural networks (RBFNNs) and backstepping technique, an adaptive longitudinal control scheme is proposed for near space vehicles (NSVs) with stochastic perturbation. The developed control approach can guarantee that all closed-loop system signals are bounded in probability. Simulation results show the good tracking performance of the proposed tracking control scheme. 是否译文: 发表时间:2017-01-01 合写作者:Yan, Xiaohui,Xia, Rongsheng 通讯作者:吴庆宪