Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Jia, Wanying,Xiao Lan,Zhu, Deming,Jiadan Wei.An Improved Core-Loss Calculation Method With Variable Coefficients Based on Equivalent Frequency:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS,2018
Jiang, Huijie,,Xiao Lan,Wang, Chuyang.Adaptive loss and capacitance-reduction control strategy based on second-harmonic circulating cur...:IET Power Electron.,2019
Wang, Chuyang,Xiao Lan,,Wang, Chujiao,Xin, Ming,Jiang, Huijie.Analysis of the Unbalance Phenomenon Caused by the PWM Delay and Modulation Frequency Ratio Relat...:IEEE Trans Power Electron,2019
Xiao Lan,Jia, Wanying,Xiao Lan,Jia, Wanying,Zhu, Deming.Core-Loss Analysis of High-Speed Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine for Aeronautic Starter/Ge...:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2020
Xiao Lan,Xiao Lan,Jia, Wanying,Zhu, Deming.Core-Loss Analysis of High-Speed Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine for Aeronautic Starter/Ge...
Xiao Lan,Xiao Lan,戴薇,李宏旭.基于LCL滤波器的TL-Boost三相整流技术研究:电力电子技术,2019
Xiao Lan,Xiao Lan,蔡婷婷,王楚扬,蒋慧杰.MMC子模块单管开路故障的新型诊断方法研究:电力电子技术,2018
Xiao Lan,Jia Wanying,Xiao Lan,Jia Wanying,Zhu Deming.A Mini-Ripple Control Method for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Motor Control System:2017 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC),2017
Xiao Lan,Jia, Wanying,Xiao Lan,Jia, Wanying,Fred Wu,Zhu, Deming.An Improved Core-Loss Calculation Method for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Motor:2017 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE),2017
Xiao Lan,Xiao Lan,Wang, Chuyang,Jiang, Huijie,Cai, Tingting.Analysis and Compensation of the System Time Delay in an MMC System:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,2018