Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
孙志峰, 肖岚, 王勤, 输出并联型双有源全桥变换器控制技术研究综述, 中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(5): 1811-1830.
吴子阳; 肖岚; 姚志垒; 王勤. 基于滞环电流控制具有升压能力非隔离双接地光伏并网逆变器,中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(23): 8097-8106.
Yang, Yan; Wang, Qin; Hu, Yinfeng; Wu, Qunfang; Xiao, Lan; Zhang, Zhuoran, Multiple Sine-Wave Superposition Drive for the Doubly Salient Motor Based on Fourier Linearization Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(4): 4419-4430.
Zehao Liu,Lan Xiao,Qin Wang,Jinbo Li,Qunfang Wu. Open-circuit fault diagnosis for MMC based on event-triggered and capacitor current state observation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, 2022,69(2): 534 - 538.
Xiao Lan. 双凸极电机提前角区间变占空比PWM斩波方法.电气自动化.2020
Published Books
Research Projects
高效高功率密度逆变器机理及技术研究, 2022-01-01
多电无人平台高效高功率密度逆变系统动态可靠性机理及集成化**兼容研究, 2022-01-01
适于多电航空发动机的并列式集成化磁悬浮起动发电系统的基础研究,国家自然科学基金项目,参加, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2025-12-31
高压大功率六相容错电机控制器技术研究, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects, 2021-06-01