Education Level:东南大学机械学院
Alma Mater:东南大学机械工程学院
Paper Publications
Wu Qingcong,Wu Qingcong.Patient-Active Control of a Powered Exoskeleton Targeting Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training:FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY,2018
Wu Qingcong,.“互联网+”时代大学MOOC教学模式研究——以《机床数控技术》课程为例:河北广播电视大学学报,2017
Wu Qingcong,王兴松.Modeling and position control of a therapeutic exoskeleton targeting upper extremity rehabilitati...:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2017
Wu Qingcong,.Preliminary Research on Force Transmission Characteristic and Control of Tendon Sheath Actuation:2017 IEEE/SICE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEM INTEGRATION (SII),2017
Wu Qingcong,Wu Qingcong.Research on the gravity balance characteristics of an upper limb rehabilitation exoskeleton:Jiqiren,2017
Wu Qingcong,.上肢康复外骨骼重力平衡特性研究:机器人,2017
Wu Qingcong,.Development of an Upper Limb Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation Training in Virtual Environment:2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTISENSOR FUSION AND INTEGRATION FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (MFI),2017
Wu Qingcong,Wu Qingcong.Development and hybrid force/position control of a compliant rescue manipulator:MECHATRONICS,2017
Wu Qingcong,Wu Qingcong.Development of an RBFN-based neural-fuzzy adaptive control strategy for an upper limb rehabilitat...:MECHATRONICS,2018
Wu Qingcong,王兴松.Development of a wearable multi-sensor system for lower limb joint torque evaluation during stair...:IEEE Int. Conf. Real-Time Comput. Robot., RCAR,2018