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Paper Publications
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,王冉.基于飞行数据的民机着陆安全影响因素研究:交通信息与安全,2019
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,FU, Jun.Robust LPV modeling and control of aircraft flying through wind disturbance:Chin J Aeronaut,2019
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing.基于LPV模型参考自适应飞行边界保护控制:南京航空航天大学学报,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,Fu, Jun,Xu, Yichao.Polytopic LPV Modeling of Aircrafts' Longitudinal Motion:Proc. IEEE Adv. Inf. Manag., Commun., Electron. Autom. Control Conf., IMCEC,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,Fu, Jun,Xu, Yichao.LPV Robust Suppresion Control for Fight in Turbulent Wind:Proc. IEEE Adv. Inf. Manag., Commun., Electron. Autom. Control Conf., IMCEC,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,Hu, Jinshuo.LPV Flight Dynamics Modeling for Turbulent Wind Special Flight Analysis:Trans. Nanjing Univ. Aero. Astro.,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Hu, Jinshuo,Gao Zhenxing,Hu, Jinshuo,Huang, Jianzhe,ghb.Position tracking control of a helicopter in ground effect using nonlinear disturbance observer-based incremental backstepping approach:Aerosp Sci Technol,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,徐彧.民机垂直飞行模式设计与仿真验证研究:飞行力学,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,赵剑,齐凯.基于QAR数据聚类分析的航班异常检测研究:航空计算技术,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,傅骏.民用飞机线性参数变化动力学建模及性能分析:航空科学技术,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,徐一超,胡金硕.民机横侧改出风切变的失控包线保护控制:系统仿真技术,2018
Gao Zhenxing,Gao Zhenxing,徐彧.民机自动飞行模式设计规范与适航性分析:航空计算技术,2017
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