Zhao zhenhua
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Zhao zhenhua,.Prediction of high-cycle fatigue strength in a Ti-17 alloy blade after foreign object damage:Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2021
Zhao zhenhua,.Prediction of combined cycle fatigue life of TC11 alloy based on modified nonlinear cumulative da...:Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2021
Zhao zhenhua,.砂尘在典型金属壁面上的反弹特性仿真研究:南京航空航天大学学报,2020
Zhao zhenhua,.复合材料层合板冰雹冲击损伤研究:重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2020
Zhao zhenhua,.钛合金叶片前缘的外物损伤残余应力数值分析:航空动力学报,2020
Zhao zhenhua,赵振华,Chen Wei,Chen Wei,Liu Lulu,Chen Wei,Luo Gang.Numerical simulation methodology of multi-layer Kevlar 49 woven fabrics in aircraft engine contai...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS,2019
Zhao zhenhua,赵振华,马松林,颜诚,Chen Wei,chenwei.不同形状砂尘高速冲蚀TC4平板的数值仿真:航空动力学报,2019
Zhao zhenhua,赵振华,陈伟,Chen Wei,Liu Lulu,Chen Wei,黄雄.Dynamic compressive behavior in different loading directions of 3D braided composites with differ...:LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2018
Zhao zhenhua,赵振华,许祥胜,chenwei.外物损伤对TC4钛合金的高周疲劳强度的影响:航空发动机,2017
Chen Wei,陈伟,刘晓,Liu Lulu,Zhao zhenhua.单束STF强化Kevlar织物力学性能研究:南京航空航天大学学报,2018