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Paper Publications
zhang ling,.Evaluating urban land use efficiency with interacting criteria: An empirical study of cities in Jiangsu China:Land Use Policy,2020
zhang ling,Addae, Bismark Appiah,zhang ling,Addae, Bismark Appiah.Analyzing barriers of Smart Energy City in Accra with two-step fuzzy DEMATEL:Cities,2019
zhang ling,ZHI XIONG,zhang ling,zl,Cui, Yuchen,ZHI XIONG,ljy,Lai Jizhou,lvpin.A non-additive multiple criteria analysis method for evaluation of airline service quality:Journal of Air Transport Management,2015(47):154-161
zhang ling,zhang ling,梁彦瑜,Zhao, Wei-Wei,Zhang, Ling,Zhu, Yuan-Cheng,lyz,Zhao, Wei-Wei,Xu, Jing-Juan,Chen, Hong-Yuan.City sustainability evaluation using multi-criteria decision making with objective weights of interdependent criteria:Journal of Cleaner Production,2016,131:491-499
zhang ling,zhang ling,Shi, Xiao-Mei,Xu, Yi-Tong,Fan, Gao-Chao,lyz,Wang, Chengshuang,Zhao, Wei-Wei.Evaluating and Selecting Renewable Energy Sources for a Microgrid: A Bi-Capacity-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID,2021,12(2):921-931
zhang ling,Xu, Yan,zhang ling,Xu, Yan,Yeh, Chung-Hsing,hl,Zhou Dequn.Bi-TOPSIS: A New Multicriteria Decision Making Method for Interrelated Criteria With Bipolar Measurement:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS,2017
zhang ling,张玲,ZHI XIONG,ZHI XIONG,ljy,许建新.A data-driven approach to objective evaluation of urban low carbon development performance:Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,368:1-11
zhang ling,张玲,ZHI XIONG,ZHI XIONG,Lai Jizhou,ljy.Evaluating clean energy alternatives for Jiangsu,china:Energy,2015,90:953-964
zhang ling,zhang ling,何乐,王璐盼,zp,方建鑫.基于VI~2OWA的多指标评价方法及其在新能源中的应用:系统工程,2017
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