
Evaluating clean energy alternatives for Jiangsu,china


  • Affiliation of Author(s):经济与管理学院

  • Journal:Energy

  • Key Words:Choquet integral Clean energy Fuzzy measure MCDM (multi-criteria decision making)

  • Abstract:Promoting the utilization of clean energy has been identified as one potential solution to addressing
    environmental pollution and achieving sustainable development in many countries around the world.
    Evaluating clean energy alternatives includes a requirement to balance multiple conflict criteria,
    including technology, environment, economy and society, all of which are incommensurate and interdependent. Traditional MCDM (multi-criteria decision making) methods, such as the weighted average
    method, often fail to aggregate such criteria consistently. In this paper, an improved MCDM method
    based on fuzzy measure and integral is developed and applied to evaluate four primary clean energy
    options for Jiangsu Province, China. The results confirm that the preferred clean energy option for Jiangsu
    is solar photovoltaic, followed by wind, biomass and finally nuclear. A sensitivity analysis is also conducted to evaluate the values of clean energy resources for Jiangsu. The ordered weighted average
    method is also applied to compare the method mentioned above in our empirical study. The results show
    that the improved MCDM method provides higher discrimination between alternative clean energy

  • Indexed by:Journal paper

  • Volume:90

  • Page Number:953-964

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2015-01-01

  • Included Journals:SCI

  • Co-author:ZHI XIONG,Lai Jizhou,ljy

  • Correspondence Author:张玲,ZHI XIONG

  • Date of Publication:2015-01-01

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