Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Wang Z, Wang X.,.Research on the impact of green finance on energy efficiency in different regions of China based ...:Resources Policy,2022,77:102695. (SSCI检索)
Wang, Z, Xia C.,.Seasonal least squares support vector machine with fruit fly optimization algorithm in electricit...:Journal of Donghua University (English Edition),2019,36(1):67-76. (EI检索)
Xu X, Wang Z, Zhou B, et al..The empirical analysis of knowledge spillover effect measurement:Knowledge Management Research & Practice,2019,17(1):83-95. (SSCI检索)
,Xu X, Zhu Y, Xu L, Wang Z..Influence of industry-university cooperation on economic development: A mathematical statistical ...:Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2021:4661933. (SCI检索)
Xia C, Wang Z..Drivers analysis and empirical mode decomposition based forecasting of energy consumption structu...:Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,254:120107. (SCI检索)
Xia C, Wang Z..The effect of fossil fuel and hydropower on carbon dioxide emissions: EKC validation with structu...:Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management,2020,28(1):36-47. (SCI检索)
Xia C, Wang Z, Xia Y..The drivers of China’s national and regional energy consumption structure under environmental re...:Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,285:124913. (SCI检索)
Xia C, Wang Z, Jhony, C..Hybrid Model Based on Wavelet Decomposition for Electricity Consumption Prediction:Journal of Donghua University (English Edition),2019,36(1):77-87. (EI检索)
Qiu S, Wang Z, Geng S..How do environmental regulation and foreign investment behavior affect green productivity growth ...:Journal of Environmental Management,2021,287:112282. (SCI检索)
Qiu S, Wang Z, Liu S..The policy outcomes of low-carbon city construction on urban green development: Evidence from a q...:Sustainable Cities and Society,2021,66:102699. (SCI检索)