Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
Wang Z, Xia C, Xia Y.. Dynamic relationship between environmental regulation and energy consumption structure in China under spatiotemporal heterogeneity.Science of The Total Environment.2020,738:140364. (SCI检索)
Wang Z, Zhu Y.. Do energy technology innovations contribute to CO2 emissions abatement? A spatial perspective.Science of the Total Environment.2020,726:138574. (SCI检索)
Wang Z, Xu X, Zhu Y, et al.. Evaluation of carbon emission efficiency in China's airlines.Journal of Cleaner Production.2020,243:118500. (SCI检索)
Wang Z, Zhang Z, Jhony N.. Measurement of innovation resource allocation efficiency in civil–military integration enterprises.Kybernetes.2020,49(3):835-851. (SCI检索)
Wang Z, Zaman S, Rasool S, et al.. Exploring the relationships between a toxic workplace environment, workplace stress, and project success with the moderating effect of organizational support: Empirical evidence from Pakistan.Risk Management and Healthcare Policy.2020,13(1):1055-1067. (SSCI/SCI检索)