Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Zaman Q, Wang Z, Zaman S.Investigating the nexus between education expenditure, female employers, renewable energy consump...:Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,312:127824. (SCI检索)
Zaman S, Wang Z..Exploring the relationship between remittances received, education expenditures, energy use, inco...:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021,28(14)::17865-17877. (SCI检索)
,Nadeem M, Lou S, Wang Z, et al..Efficiency of domestic institutional arrangements for environmental sustainability along the way ...:Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja,2022,22:1-20. (SSCI检索)
Zaman S, Wang Z, Rasool S, et al..Impact of critical success factors and supportive leadership on sustainable success of renewable ...:Energy Policy,2022,162:112793. (SSCI/SCI检索)
,Zaman S, Zaman Q, Zhang L, Wang Z.Interaction between agricultural production, female employment, renewable energy, and environment....[J]:Renewable Energy,2022,186:288-298. (SCI检索)