Education Level:东南大学机械学院
Alma Mater:东南大学机械工程学院
Paper Publications
Qingcong Wu,.Development of an RBFN-based neural-fuzzy adaptive control strategy for an upper limb rehabilitat....[J]:Mechatronics,2018
Qingcong Wu,.Development and hybrid force/position control of a compliant rescue manipulator.[J]:Mechatronics,2017
Qingcong Wu,.Modeling and position control of a therapeutic exoskeleton targeting upper extremity rehabilitati....[J]:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2017
Qingcong Wu,.Analytical inverse kinematic resolution of a redundant exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation.[J]:International Journal of Humanoid Robotics,2015
Qingcong Wu,.Design and control of a powered hip exoskeleton for walking assistance.[J]:International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,2015
Qingcong Wu,.Development and analysis of a gravity balanced exoskeleton for active rehabilitation training of ....[J]:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2015
Qingcong Wu,.Kinematics, dynamics and control of an upper limb rehabilitation exoskeleton.[M]:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering