2018年博士毕业于中国科学院自动化研究所,模式识别国家重点实验室,脑网络组研究中心,师从隋婧教授;2018—2021年先后在美国知名神经影像研究所The Mind Research Network (MRN)和The Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS)任职博士后,师从Vince D. Calhoun教授 (IEEE、AAAS、AIMBE、ISMRM、ACNP Fellow,OHBM终身成就奖)。
主要研究方向:多模态大数据融合分析、脑影像—基因组学、个体差异建模、脑疾病病理机制等。已发表学术论文70余篇,包括以第一/通讯作者发表在综合性顶级期刊Nature Communications(2篇)、神经科学顶级期刊Brain、精神疾病学顶级期刊Biological Psychiatry、BMC Medicine、Schizophrenia Bulletin、Translational Psychiatry(2篇)、Molecular Autism等和医学影像方法学顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging、Human Brain Mapping(4篇)等。多次获得脑科学领域权威国际会议口头报告,包括国际脑图谱大会OHBM口头报告5次(2017/2019/2020(2个)/2022,top 3%),国际生物医学影像会议IEEE ISBI 2021口头报告。研究成果获得国际脑图谱大会OHBM最佳论文奖3次(2017/2020/2021,top1%)。
主持国家级和省部级人才项目、国家自然科学基金面上、江苏省重点研发计划子课题、江苏省青年基金、南航人才启动专项基金、中央高校基础科研基金。任中国图象图形学会CSIG脑图谱专委会、医学图像计算MICS专委会、江苏省人工智能学会医学图像处理专委会的青年委员。担任期刊Scientific Reports, PLOS Mental Health, Journal of Clinical and Basic Psychosomatics编委。
5篇代表作: (全部论文可google scholar检索: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-QPgz1IAAAAJ&view_op=list_works)
[1] Shile Qi*, et al., Daoqiang Zhang*, Vince D. Calhoun. Derivation and Utility of Schizophrenia Polygenic Risk Associated Multimodal MRI Frontotemporal Network. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1). (中科院一区, IF: 17.694, 综合性顶级期刊).
[2] Shile Qi, Xiao Yang, et al., Jing Sui*, Xiaohong Ma*. MicroRNA132 Associated Multimodal Neuroimaging Patterns in Unmedicated Major Depressive Disorder. Brain, 2018, 141 (3). (中科院一区, IF: 15.255, 神经科学顶级期刊).
[3] Shile Qi, et al., Vince D. Calhoun* and Jing Sui*. Reward processing in novelty seekers: a transdiagnostic psychiatric imaging biomarker. Biological Psychiatry, 2021, 90(8). (中科院一区, IF: 12.810, 精神疾病学顶级期刊).
[4] Shile Qi*, et al., Christopher C. Abbott*. Links between Electroconvulsive Therapy Responsive and Cognitive Impairment Multimodal Brain Networks in Late-life Major Depressive Disorder. BMC Medicine, 2022, 20(477). (中科院一区, IF: 11.150, 医学内科顶级期刊).
[5] Shile Qi, et al., Jing Sui*. Multimodal Fusion with Reference: Searching for Joint Neuromarkers of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2018, 37(1). (中科院一区, IF: 11.037, 医学影像方法学顶级期刊).
[1] Chuang Liang (学生一作,博士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者), Vince Calhoun. Psychotic Symptom, Mood and Cognition-associated Multimodal MRI Reveal Shared Links to the Salience Network within the Psychosis Spectrum Disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2023, sbac158. (SCI中科院一区, 精神病学顶级期刊).
[2] Ling Qiu (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者), Vince Calhoun. Associations between drinking, smoking with psychotic, depressive and developmental disorders revealed via multimodal neuroimaging. Translational Psychiatry, 2024,14 (1), 326. (SCI中科院一区, 精神病学顶级期刊).
[3] Chunzhi Zhao (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者), Vince Calhoun. Cross-Cohort Replicable Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Predicting Symptoms and Cognition of Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 2024, 45 (7), e26694. (SCI中科院二区).
[4] Yixin Ji (学生一作,博士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者), Vince Calhoun. Identifying psychosis subtypes use individualized covariance structural differential networks and multi-site clustering. Schizophrenia Research, 2024, 264 (130-139). (SCI中科院二区).
[5] Yijie Zhang (学生一作,博士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). Consistent Frontal-Limbic-Occipital Connections in Distinguishing Treatment-Resistant and Non-Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Neuroimage Clincal, 2025,103726. (SCI中科院二区).
[6] Xiaoya Wu (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). The impact of atlas parcellation on functional connectivity analysis across six psychiatric disorders. Human Brain Mapping. (revision, SCI中科院二区).
[1] Yixin Ji (学生一作,博士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). Adaptive-Similarity-Based Dynamic Functional Connectivity with Spatial-Temporal Attention and Domain Adaptation. ICASSP, 2025. (Oral,CCF B)
[2] Jingxian Hu (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). Reference-Guided Parallel Independent Component Analysis: Estimating Cognition Associated Multimodal Patterns In Schizophrenia. ICASSP, 2025. (CCF B).
[3] Gengqian Wei (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). Cooperative and Competitive Functional Connectivity Based on Improved Ising Model. ICASSP, 2025. (CCF B).
[4] Dailin Wen (学生一作,硕士), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). THIDS: Triplet High-Order Individual Differential Structural Brain Network. ISBI, 2025. (生物医学领域知名会议).
[5] Zixin Huang (学生一作,本科生), et al., Shile Qi* (通讯作者). MPIDS: Multi-Group Perturbation Based Individualized Differential Structural Brain Network. ISBI, 2025. (Oral,生物医学领域知名会议).