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Paper Publications
Hang Bai,Yufang Li,Honglie Shen, Long Wang, Hechao Li, Zhihong Xie, Andi Chen, Zheng Shi, Wei Wang.Preparation of Antimony Selenide Thin Films by Electrochemical Deposition and Application in Optoelectronic Devices.[J]:Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2024,171:108027
Yufang Li,,Yangcun Feng,Hang Bai.Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic performance of black TiO2/SnO2 nanoparticles.[J]:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2023,Volume 960:170672
Yufang Life,,Honglie Shen,Zheng Shi,Jinsong Liu,Zhangchen Hou.Improved Visible Light⁃Driven Catalytic Activity in Type⁃Ⅰ Heterojunction of CZTS/g⁃C3N4.[J]:Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2023,Vol. 40(No. 3):293-306
Yangchun Feng,Yufang Li,Wangyang Yabg, Honglie Shen.The effect of near-surface electron trapping layer on the acetone sensing performance of black TiO2 capped with ZnO.[J]:Nanotechnology,2022,33:275712
Yufang Li,Yufang Li,Kai Gao, Binbin Xu,Quntao Tang,Honglie Shen.Optical properties of stepped-cone silicon nanostructures fabricated by nanosphere mask and RIE method.[J]:Materials Technology,2022,37(8):760-767
Wenhao Zhang,,Yufang Li,Yuxiang Shi, Xiangyu Chen, Honglie Shen.A Review: Contact Electrification on Special Interfaces.:Frontiers in Materials,2022:909746
Zhangchen Hou,,Yufang Li,Honglie Shen, Qingzhu Wei, Zhicun Ni,Dongli Hu.The visible light-driven highly efficient photocatalytic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles synthesized by a hydrothermal method.[J]:Dongli Hu, New J. Chem.,2021,45:1743
Yufang Li,Yufang Li,Honglie Shen, Zhangchen Hou, Qingzhu Wei, Zhichun Ni, Dongli Hu.Formation of emitter by boron spin-on doping from SiO2 nanosphere andproperties of the related n-PERT solar cells.[J]:Solar Energy,2021,225:317–325
Yu Qian,Yufang Li, Xiangyu Chen,Jinhui Nie, Xiu Ma, Zewei Ren, Jingwen Tian, Jieyi Chen,Honglie Shen.Octopus tentacles inspired triboelectric nanogenerators for harvesting mechanical energy from highly wetted surface.[J]:Nano Energy,2019,60::493-502
王洪美,Lily,李玉芳,Wang, Hong-Mei,shl,Zhai, Zi-Hao,Chen, Jie-Yi,Yang, Jia-Le,Yang, Yan,Young.Effect of Nitrogen Gas Flow Rate on Properties of Diamond Like Carbon Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering:Guangzi Xuebao,2019
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