Improved Visible Light⁃Driven Catalytic Activity in Type⁃Ⅰ Heterojunction of CZTS/g⁃C3N4

Affiliation of Author(s):南京航空航天大学
Teaching and Research Group:材料科学与技术学院材料科学系
Journal:Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Type:J
Volume:Vol. 40
Issue:No. 3
Page Number:293-306
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-06-20
Included Journals:EI
Co-author:Honglie Shen,Zheng Shi,Jinsong Liu,Zhangchen Hou
Date of Publication:2023-06-20