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Paper Publications
Li, Megan Yuan,Luo, Lingli,Makino, Shige.Events and entrepreneurial passion: The moderating role of event coping competence.[J]:European Management Review,2024:1-17
Megan,Megan.Does a past category’s success influence existing entrepreneurial fundraising? A legitimacy spillover perspective.[J]:Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2022,47(6):2263-2292
Megan,.Entrepreneurial passion and organizational innovation: The moderating effects of events and the competence to exploit events.[J]:Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2022
Megan,Megan.Does national sentiment affect foreign direct investment, and if so, how? Additional evidence:Internatinal Business Review,2019
Megan,Megan.Passion transfer across national borders:Journal of Business Research,2019
.Regions and innovation: A new tale of three economic regions in China.[J]:International Journal of Innovation Management,2021,25(5):2150059
.Negative family events and Chinese farmers’ entrepreneurship: The moderating role of socioeconomic status.[J]:Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal,2022,50(11):e11941
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