Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Journal:Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Key Words:Griffith crack nonlinear cohesive stress distribution crack-inclusion interaction cohesive zone size crack surface opening displacement
Abstract:A nonlinear cohesive stress distribution function is employed by relating the cohesive stress to the cohesive zone size (CZS) and the distance from the crack tip to investigate the elastic-plastic fracture behaviors. A crack-inclusion interaction problem is taken as an example to explore the fracture process in the cohesive zone area. The CZS and crack surface opening displacement are evaluated numerically. It is found that for different cohesive parameter combinations, the normalized CZS and crack surface opening displacements change drastically. By reducing the current model to the famous Dugdale model, the results obtained match well with the existing ones.
Note:卷: 24 期: 13 页: 1109-1115
ISSN No.:1537-6494
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Correspondence Author:Xiao, Z. M.
Date of Publication:2017-01-01