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Paper Publications
Li Haoran,FAN Mu,Zhang Jie.Research on active control of rigid-flexible coupling piezoelectric rectangular thin plate:Acta Mechanica,2024
Li Haoran,FAN Mu,Zhang Jie.Vibration control of conical shell with multi-flexoelectric actuation. Acta Mechanica:Acta Mechanica,2024
Zhang Jie,FAN Mu,Tzou H. S..Rigid-Flexible Coupled Modeling and Flexoelectric Control for Flexible Rotating Structures:AIAA Journal,2024
Zhang Jie,FAN Mu,TZOU H.S..Modal signal analysis of parabolic shell structures with flexoelectric sensors:Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2024(35(7))
M REN,M FAN,YM Zhang.Numerical Investigation on Crack Propagation of Three Dimensial Pipeline under Seismic Wave Loading:International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2024
J Zhang,M FAN,HS TZOU.Flexoelectric vibration control of parabolic shells:J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct
M FAN,ZM Xiao,P C Yu.An Artificial Neural Network Model for Multi-flexoelectric Actuation of Plates:International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials
H Qiu,HS TZOU,M FAN,Y Deng.Analysis of Cylindrical Shells with Flexoelectric Actuation:AIAA Journal
T Liu,M FAN,CW Zhou.Prediction of Tensile Elastic Mdulus of SiC/SiC Mini-composites with the Artificial Neural Network:Acta Mech,2023
H Qiu,HS TZOU,Y Deng,M FAN.Dynamic Analysis of Flexoelectric Actuated Truncated Conical Shells:AIAA Journal
FAN Mu,.Multiflexoelectric Actuation and Control of Beams:AIAA Journal,2019
FAN Mu,.Vibration Control with the Converse Flexoelectric Effect on the Laminated Beams:Journal of Inteligent Material Systems and Structures,2019
FAN Mu,.Dynamic Analysis of a Simply Supported Beam with LaSMP Patches:Acta Mechanica,2019
FAN Mu,.The Interaction Problem of Two Zener-Stroh Cracks with a Nearby Inhomogeneity:Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,2019
FAN Mu,Xiao, Z. M..The Interface Effect of a Nano-inhomogeneity on the Fracture Behavior of a Crack and the Nearby Edge Dislocation:International Journal of Damage Mechanics,2017
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