的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/gaosiping/zh_CN/index.htm
上一条: S.-P. Gao, F. de Paulis, E.-X. Liu, A. Orlandi, H. M. Lee. (2018). Fast-Convergent Expression for the Barrel-Plate Capacitance in the Physics-based Via Circuit Model. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28(5), 368-370.
下一条: S.-P. Gao, F. de Paulis, E.-X. Liu, Y.-X. Guo. (2019). Transmission Line Representation of the Capacitive Via-Plate Interaction towards a Capacitor-Free Via Model. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 9(11), 2248-2256.