
High Precision Surface Measurement with a Trans-Scale Optical Measurement Method


  • Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院


  • Key Words:multi-scale measurement system fringe projection focus variation surface topography data fusion

  • Abstract:Increasing requirements on the complexity and accuracy of dimensional metrology demand the application of aerospace turbine blade, cutting tools, and so on. The multi-scale data of holistic geometrical is needed. In order to obtain all meaningful details of the surface at various required scales, a novel trans-scale optical measurement method mixing macro and micro measurement technology is proposed. The optical scanning system is composed of a variable-focus structured light sensor fitted with zoom lens camera and a focus variation microscopy sensor. The structured light sensor is used to acquire the form of the object. The focus variation microscopy sensor is used to acquire the waviness or roughness of the object. The macro structured light sensor can flexibly zoom in or out to measure a 3D object profile in sections according to the approximate surface profile and the view of the micro measurement system. It originally connects the macro and micro scale at view, resolution, precision. The different scale measurement data are registered and fusion with multi-dimensional images which includes 2D image, 2.5D range image, and 3D point cloud image. Experimental measurement results show that macro holistic geometry profile and micro surface texture can be acquired with the developed method in a single frame system.

  • ISSN No.:0277-786X

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2017-01-01

  • Co-author:liaowenhe,Chen, Yinigying,Bian, Xinguang,Cheng xiao sheng,dn

  • Correspondence Author:cui haihua

  • Date of Publication:2017-01-01

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