- 毕业院校:新加坡南洋理工大学
- 学历:新加坡南洋理工大学
- 所在单位:电子信息工程学院
- 办公地点:南京航空航天大学,电子信息工程学院,204办公室
- 联系方式:Email:
Tel: 15261487932
[1] CHEN JIAJIA.Micro-Doppler Signature Based Detection, Classification, and Localization of Small UAV with Long Sho.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Regular papers, (IF 5.9),2020
[2] CHEN JIAJIA.A New Polarization Image Demosaicking Algorithm by Exploiting Inter-channel Correlations with Guided.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Regular Papers, (IF. 9.34),2020
[3] CHEN JIAJIA.An Optimized Quantization Constraints Set for Image Restoration and Its GPU Implementation.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Regular Papers (IF. 9.34),2020
[4] CHEN JIAJIA.A Novel Area-Power Efficient Design for Approximated Small-Point FFT Architecture.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.,Regular Papers (IF2.4),2020
[5] CHEN JIAJIA,.Hardware Efficient Integer Discrete Cosine Transform for Efficient Image\/Video Compression.[J]:IEEE Access (Regular paper, IF4.1),2019
[6] Chen Jiajia,.A New Area and Power Efficient DCT Circuits Using Sporadic Logarithmic Shifters.[J].日本:IEICE Electronics Express,2019,16(14):20190317-20190323
[7] CHEN JIAJIA.Area- and Power-efficient Nearly-Linear Phase Response IIR Filter by Iterative Convex Optimization.[J].IEEE:IEEE Access (Regular paper, IF4.1),2019
[8] CHEN JIAJIA.A New Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm and Its Efficient Implementation.[J].IEEE:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (Regular Paper, IF 4.0),2019
[9] Jiajia Chen,.Tap Delay-and-Accumulate Cost Aware Coefficient Synthesis Algorithm for the Design of Area-Power Eff.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, (IF 3.9),2018,65(2):712 - 722
[10] Jiajia Chen.A New Accurate and Fast Homography Computation Algorithm for Sports and Traffic Video Analysis.[J]:EEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (Regular paper, IF 4.0),2018,28(10):2993-3006
[11] Jiajia Chen.Indoor Sound Source Localization with Probabilistic Neural Network.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (Regular Paper, IF 7.1),2018,65(8):6403 – 6413
[12] Jiajia Chen,.New Hardware and Power Efficient Sporadic Logarithmic Shifters for DSP Applications.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, (Brief Paper, IF 2.4),2018,37(4):896 – 900
[13] Jiajia Chen,.A New Cost-Aware Sensitivity-Driven Algorithm for the Design of FIR Filters.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular papers, (IF: 3.9),2017,64(6):1588 – 1598
[14] Jiajia Chen,.Novel Design Algorithm for Low Complexity Programmable FIR Filters Based on Extended Double Base Nu.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, (IF:3.9),2015,62(1):224-233
[15] Jiajia Chen.A New Paradigm of Common Subexpression Elimination by Unification of Addition and Subtraction.[J]:IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, (Regular paper, IF 2.4),2016,35(10):1605-1617
[16] Jiajia Chen.Hypergraph Based Minimum Arborescence Algorithm for the Optimization and Reoptimization of Multiple .[J]:IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, (IF: 3.9),2016,63(2):233-244