Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Journal:Chinese Control Conf., CCC
Abstract:This paper studies the automatic carrier landing control problem of carrier-based aircraft, by applying a preview control method. A new automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) for carrier-based aircraft is developed using the advanced knowledge of glide path and longitudinal deck motion. The deck motion preview information is generated by the deck motion predictor which is designed based on the particle filter algorithm. Moreover, the air wake under medium sea condition is considered as the exogenous disturbance to verify the robustness of the proposed ACLS scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the preview control ACLS can realize a better glide path tracking performance, more effective deck motion compensation, and stronger robustness under air wake disturbance, when comparing with the PID control scheme. © 2018 Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation.
ISSN No.:1934-1768
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-10-05
Co-author:Jiang, Shuoying,Jiang Ju,L00043
Correspondence Author:zzy