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Strand Circulating Current Suppression Method in Armature Windings of Low Voltage High Current Doubly Salient Brushless DC Generator


Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Title of Paper:Strand Circulating Current Suppression Method in Armature Windings of Low Voltage High Current Doubly Salient Brushless DC Generator

Journal:Diangong Jishu Xuebao

Abstract:In this paper, optimized armature winding configurations are proposed to suppress the strand circulating currents in armature windings of low-voltage high-current doubly salient brushless dc generator. Refined two-dimension finite element analysis model is built considering strand position and strand serial sequence between different coils, to study the generation mechanism of strand circulating current in multi-strand armature windings. Three optimized armature winding configurations are proposed, and the simulation models are respectively established to compare them with the unoptimized one in terms of strand current distribution, copper loss and efficiency by finite element analysis method. Two prototypes with different armature winding configurations are made for comparative experiments. The simulation and experimental results indicate that the third optimized armature winding configuration, whose strands pass through all slot breadth and slot depth, is the best one for suppressing circulating current. © 2018, Electrical Technology Press Co. Ltd. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1000-6753

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-01-25


Correspondence Author:Zhang Zhuoran

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