Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Title of Paper:A Simplified Finite-Element Model of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines With Radial/Axial Flux Paths via Magnetic Equivalent Circuit
Key Words:2-D equivalent finite-element model 3-D finite-element analysis (FEA) hybrid excitation synchronous machine (HESM) with magnetic shunting rotor magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC)
Abstract:In this paper, a novel modeling method for hybrid excitation synchronous machines (HESMs) with radial/axial flux paths via magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) is proposed. 3-D finite-element analysis (FEA) is essential when analyzing a machine with radial/axial flux paths due to the asymmetry in the axial direction. However, 3-D FEA is computationally expensive and time-consuming, especially during the preliminary design stage. The proposed modeling method is analyzed and validated based on an HESM with magnetic shunting rotor. The fundamental structure and working principle of the HESM with magnetic shunting rotor are introduced. On the basis of 3-D structure, an MEC considering saturation and leakage flux distribution is built and illustrated, as well as field analysis is performed. A 2-D equivalent finite-element model via MEC is built and illustrated. A prototype HESM with magnetic shunting rotor has been designed by the proposed modeling method and developed for experimental verification. With the proposed modeling method, the computational efficiency is significantly improved in the design stage. The proposed modeling method is verified by the good agreement between the predicted and measured results.
ISSN No.:0018-9464
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-11-01
Correspondence Author:Zhang Zhuoran