
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

Degree:Master's Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Science

Discipline:Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments. Physics. Precision Instrument and Machinery


Paper Publications

Determination of fat content in goat milk using annular photoelectric sensor system


Affiliation of Author(s):理学院


Key Words:Annular photoelectric sensor data modelling fat content goat milk

Abstract:In this paper, a new method for quantitative determination of fat content in goat milk at room temperature (25 degrees C), based on the annular photoelectric sensor system, has been developed. The measurement system consists of an annular photoelectric sensor, thermoelectric cooler (TEC), amplifier, A/D converter, microprocessor and other components. Based on Mie theory, the diffuse reflection light intensity is adopted as the optical parameter representing the fat content in goat milk. In this way, the standard model of the system can be established and loaded into the processor to realize data acquisition, processing and output. The proposed method has been tested on goat milk samples with variable fat content in the prediction experiment. The results show that the fitting equation is y=-0.366x+0.295 (R-2=0.987) and measurement errors are within +/- 3%, which indicates that the presented method has high prediction performance and can measure the fat content in goat milk accurately and in real time.

ISSN No.:0142-3312

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-01-01


Correspondence Author:zzm

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