
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

Degree:Master's Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Science

Discipline:Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments. Physics. Precision Instrument and Machinery


Paper Publications

Image Analysis System for Optimal Geometric Distribution of RFID Tags Based on Flood Fill and DLT


Affiliation of Author(s):理学院


Key Words:Detection system design direct linear transformation (DLT) flood fill image analysis radio frequency identification (RFID)

Abstract:A novel image analysis method for improving the reading performance of the radio frequency identification (RFID) system is proposed by arranging the geometric distribution of multiple tags reasonably based on flood fill and direct linear transformation (DLT) in this paper. An image collecting system is projected to collect the image of RFID tags, and an online detection system is designed to measure the reading distance. The proposed system has good performance of instantaneity and robustness, in which tags could be identified rapidly with the tray turning. The 2-D distribution images of tags are processed using the flood-fill technique. Furthermore, the 3-D distribution images of tags are analyzed based on DLT. Subsequently, a tag network is established, in which a tag is described as a node. Finally, support vector machine is introduced to predict the reading distance and corresponding distribution for a given number of tags after training the measured reading distance of RFID tags under various geometric distributions. The results show that the optimal geometric distribution of tags could be obtained by analyzing the images of tags and the predicted reading distance of tags. This method can improve the dynamic performance of multiple tags in the RFID system effectively.

ISSN No.:0018-9456

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-04-01


Correspondence Author:zzm,yuxiaolei

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