Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Title of Paper:Hybrid Controlled Full-bridge CLL Resonant Converter for Wide Range Input Voltage
Journal:Proc. - IEEE Int. Power Electron. Appl. Conf. Expo., PEAC
Abstract:Hybrid controlled full-bridge CLL resonant converter for wide range input voltage applications is proposed in this paper. The hybrid strategy combines the advantages of variable-frequency control (VFC) and phase-shift control (PSC). It addresses several limitations of resonant converters in the wide range input applications, such as the difficulty of optimizing of magnetic components, the large circulation loss of the converters and the difficulty of implementing of zero-voltage switching (ZVS) soft switching. Theory and experiment show that full-bridge CLL resonant converter can operate efficiently within a narrow range of switching frequencies under the hybrid control strategy. To confirm the performance of the proposed converter, experimental results are presented for a prototype with output power of 500W and a peak efficiency value of 94%. © 2018 IEEE.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-12-26
Co-author:He, Xinran,Sheng, Lunhui
Correspondence Author:zhouyufei