Course Name | School Year | Semester | Required Class Hours | Credits | Course Number |
光纤技术与应用 | 2020-2021 | Spring Term | 32 | - | 03303560 |
光纤技术与应用 | 2020-2021 | Spring Term | 32 | - | 03303560 |
光纤技术与应用 | 2020-2021 | Spring Term | 32 | - | 03303560 |
光纤技术与应用 | 2020-2021 | Spring Term | 32 | - | 03303560 |
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:江苏省仪器仪表学会理事
Other Post:中国仪器仪表学会高级会员、中国宇航学会高级会员
Alma Mater:西安交通大学
Education Level:西安交通大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Automation Engineering
Discipline:Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments. Measurement Technology and Instrumentation. Precision Instrument and Machinery
Business Address:自动化学院2号楼306
Contact Information:025-84896264
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