Education Level:华中科技大学
Paper Publications
zy,zy,章国涛,zhouwei,柯峥,丁伟民,余立新.Microstructure evolution and characteristic of Ti(C,N)‐based cermets prepared by in situ carboth...:Journal of the American Ceramic Society,2019
zy,zy,章国涛,柯峥,张家杰,zhaoyijie,lvxuepeng.Effect of WC content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermets fab...:Materials Science and Engineering: A,2019
zy,zy,张家杰,zhouwei,章国涛,柯峥,dzw,lvxuepeng.The influence of Mo/B atomic ratio on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Mo2F...:International journal of materials research,2019
zy,zy,柯峥,章国涛,丁青军,张家杰,吴昊,徐翔宇,lvxuepeng,朱杏根.Microstructure and mechanical properties of dual-grain structured WC-Co cemented carbides:Ceramics International,2019
zy,zy,王守文,章国涛,zhouwei,丁伟民,徐翔宇,lvxuepeng.Effect of NbC addition on the microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance ...
zy,zy,吴昊,张家杰,章国涛,柯峥,徐翔宇,lvxuepeng,zhouwei.Preparation of Mo2FeB2-based cermets with a core/rim structure by multistep sintering approach
zy,zy,章国涛,张家杰,柯峥,zhouwei,熊惟皓.Growth of ceramic grains during liquid-phase sintering in Ti(C,N)-based cermets prepared by in si...
zy,zy,柯峥,,zhouwei,张家杰,章国涛,朱杏根.FABRICATION OF FUNCTIONALLY GRADED WC–Co CEMENTED CARBIDES WITH PLATE-LIKE WC GRAINS:Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics,2019
zy,zy,徐翔宇,章国涛,柯峥,吴昊,丁青军,lvxuepeng.Effect of WC addition and cooling rate on microstructure, magnetic and mechanical properties of T...:International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials,2019
zy,zy,张梦迪.Microwave Dielectric Properties of (1-x)Li1.0125MgPO4-xBa3(VO4)2 Composite Ceramics:Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao,2019