


  • Key Words:impinging-film cooling cooling effectiveness film cooling

  • Abstract:In this paper, the effects of the impinging-film cooling effectiveness. for different inducting slabs are investigated experimentally and numerically. The cross section of an inducting slab (Rec or Tri), the layout of the cooling scheme (f-type and t-type) and an inducting channel (convergent, uniform, and divergent) were considered. The mainstream temperature was 403 K; and that of the coolant was ambient (298 K). The density flow ratio (DFR) ranging from 2.30 to 9.70 was considered. The cooling effectiveness. was obtained from experiment, while a numerical solution gave the detailed flow characteristics. The results show that the cooling effectiveness. increases with a raise in DFR. Triangular cross-sectional inducting slab (Tri) shows larger cooling effectiveness. as well as lower turbulence intensity than that of rectangular one (Rec) in an f-type layout. The comparison of the different cooling layouts shows that under the same conditions, the f-type layout presents better cooling performance than that of the t-type one. For inducting channel alteration, a uniform one gives better cooling performance in the initial section of the film with streamwise location x/d < 18, whereas a convergent one performs best aft er x/d = 18.

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Correspondence Author:Zhang Jingyu

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