Personal Profile


朱峰,男,南航工程力学博士毕业,现任通用航空系副主任,讲师。发表第一作者SCI论文14篇(发表在Nano energy, IJES, IJMS, IJSS, AMM, MoM, Ultrasonics, JAP, Acta Mechanica, IEEE TUFFC等十余个领域内主流期刊),Google scholar被引500余次,h指数11,i10指数14。


主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,江苏省青年基金,博士后基金面上项目; 入选江苏省卓越博士后,江苏省青年科技人才托举工程,常州市龙城英才计划 -青年科技人才托举工程。













1. 压电复合结构的波动及振动特性(包括声表面器件、薄膜体声波谐振器、石英晶体谐振器、压电半导体器件等,应用于芯片、射频、通讯等领域);

 2. 复合材料的波动频散及耗散特性(强各向异性粘弹性复合材料的频散特性、耗散特性,应用于复合材料导波无损检测,结构健康监测)


Feng Zhu, Nian Li, Ernian Pan, Yilin Qu, 2024, A new Stroh formalism for gradient electro-mechanics with applications to Lamb waves in piezoelectric and flexoelectric coupled plates. Journal of Applied Physics, 135(11), 114103.

Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, Nian Li, Yilin Qu, 2024, GHz surface waves in Al/LiTaO3/Si composite: Effect of the Drude electrode on dispersion, attenuation and mode shapes. Mechanics of Materials, 190, 104910.

Feng Zhu, Yilin Qu, Ernian Pan, 2022, A new model for acoustic attenuation of GHz waveguide induced by metal electrodes in piezoelectric composites, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 231, 107564.

Feng Zhu, Peng Li, Xiaoyun Dai, Zhenghua Qian, Iren Kuznetsova, Vladimir Kolesov, and Tingfeng Ma, 2021, A theoretical model for analyzing the thickness-shear vibration of a circular quartz crystal plate with multiple concentric ring electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 68, No. 5, pp. 1808-1818.

Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, and Zhenghua Qian, 2021, Acoustic vibration of hexagonal nanoparticles with damping and imperfect interface effects, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 143, No. 3, num. 031008.

Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, Zhenghua Qian, and Zhe Luo, 2020, Waves in a generally anisotropic viscoelastic composite laminated bilayer: Impact of the imperfect interface from perfect to complete delamination, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 202, pp. 262-277.

Feng Zhu, Bin Wang, Zhenghua Qian, Iren Kuznetsova, and Tingfeng Ma, 2020, Influence of surface conductivity on dispersion curves, mode shapes, stress, and potential for Lamb waves propagating in piezoelectric plate, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 855-862.

Feng Zhu, Bin Wang, and Zhenghua Qian, 2019, A numerical algorithm to solve multivariate transcendental equation sets in complex domain and its application in wave dispersion curve characterization, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 230, No. 4, pp. 1303-1321.

Feng Zhu, Ernian Pan, Zhenghua Qian, and Yun Wang, 2019, Dispersion curves, mode shapes, stresses and energies of SH and Lamb waves in layered elastic nanoplates with surface/interface effect, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 142, pp. 170-184.

Feng Zhu, Bin Wang, Xiaoyun Dai, Zhenghua Qian, Iren Kuznetsova, Vladimir Kolesov, and Bin Huang, 2019, Vibration optimization of an infinite circular AT-cut quartz resonator with ring electrodes, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 72, pp. 217-229.

Feng Zhu, Shihao Ji, Jiaqi Zhu, Zhenghua Qian, and Jiashi Yang, 2018, Study on the influence of semiconductive property for the improvement of nanogenerator by wave mode approach, Nano Energy, Vol. 52, pp. 474-484.

Feng Zhu, Bin Wang, Zhenghua Qian, and Ernian Pan, 2018, Accurate characterization of 3D dispersion curves and mode shapes of waves propagating in generally anisotropic viscoelastic/elastic plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 150, pp. 52-65.

Feng Zhu, Yuxing Zhang, Bin Wang, and Zhenghua Qian, 2017, An elastic electrode model for wave propagation analysis in piezoelectric layered structures of film bulk acoustic resonators, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 263-270.

Feng Zhu, Zhenghua Qian, and Bin Wang, 2016, Wave propagation in piezoelectric layered structures of film bulk acoustic resonators, Ultrasonics, Vol. 67, pp. 105-111.

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