Penglei Zhang
Education Level:清华大学
Alma Mater:清华大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
zhangpenglei. Comparative study of two-phase natural circulation and gas-side mechanically driven loop used in air-conditioning systems.Appl Therm Eng.2019
zhangpenglei. Simulation on the thermal performance of two-phase thermosyphon loop with large height difference.Appl Therm Eng.2019
zhangpenglei. Design and performance simulation of a novel hybrid PV/T-air dual source heat pump system based on a three-fluid heat exchanger.Sol. Energy.2019
zhangpenglei. Experimentally comparative study on two-phase natural and pump-driven loop used in HVAC systems.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING.2018
张朋磊. Comparative study of two-phase natural circulation and gas-side mechanically driven loop used in air-conditioning systems.Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=4.73).2019(153)