Education Level:北京邮电大学
Paper Publications
zfz,zfz,杨悦,叶星炜,Shilong PAN.基于微波光子I/Q去斜接收的宽带线性调频雷达成像系统:雷达学报,2019
zfz,,yye,Shilong PAN.Photonics-based dual-functional system for simultaneous high-resolution radar imaging and fast fr...:Opt. Lett.,2019,44(8):1948-1951
zfz,zfz,Gao, Bindong,Zhao, Ermao,Zhang, Daocheng,Shilong PAN.High-resolution phased array radar imaging by photonics-based broadband digital beamforming
zfz,,yye,Daiyin Zhu,Shilong PAN.Photonics-Based High-Resolution 3D Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging:IEEE Access,2019,7:79503-79509
zfz,zfz,Gao, Bindong,F70206490,Shilong PAN.Photonics-based Multiband Radar Applying an Optical Frequency Sweeping Comb and Photonic Dechirp ...:Asia Commun. Photonics Conf.,2018
zfz,zfz,Zhang, Daocheng,Shilong PAN.Two-dimensional optical phased array with grating lobe suppression by element distribution and em...:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng,2019
zfz,zfz,Shi, Jingzhan,Ben, De,Shilong PAN.Photonics-Based Broadband Microwave Instantaneous Frequency Measurement by Frequency-to-Phase-Slo...:IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,2019
zfz,zfz,Sun, Guanqun,Shilong PAN.Improved Incoherent Back Projection Imaging based on Self-amplitude Weighting and Multiplicative ...:IEEE Mtt-S Int. Wirel. Symp., IWS - Proc.,2019
zfz,zfz,Zhao, Ermao,Zhang, Daocheng,Shilong PAN.Three-dimensional Multiple Signal Classification (3D-MUSIC) for Super-resolution FMCW Radar Detec...:IEEE Mtt-S Int. Wirel. Symp., IWS - Proc.,2019
zfz,zfz.Wideband signal generation for radar application based on optically injected semiconductor laser:Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng,2018