Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:IEEE Mtt-S Int. Wirel. Symp., IWS - Proc.
Abstract:Three-dimensional multiple signal classification (3DMUSIC) algorithm is introduced to implement super-resolution detection in azimuth, elevation, and range directions. In implementing this algorithm, 3D spatial smoothing is applied to solve the deficient rank of the covariance matrix due to coherent echoes. Performance of this algorithm is numerically investigated based on a uniform area FMCW radar array. Simulation results show that, this 3D-MUSIC algorithm achieves super-resolution detection and performs much better than the digital beamforming (DBF) method. Based on this 3D-MUSIC algorithm, a potential application for target recognition is also demonstrated. © 2019 IEEE.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-05-01
Co-author:Zhao, Ermao,Zhang, Daocheng,Shilong PAN
Correspondence Author:zfz
Date of Publication:2019-05-01
Education Level:北京邮电大学
Paper Publications
Three-dimensional Multiple Signal Classification (3D-MUSIC) for Super-resolution FMCW Radar Detection
Date of Publication:2019-05-01 Hits: