Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Phase compensation second-order repetitive control for CVCF PWM inverters
Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Key Words:PWM inverter second-order repetitive control phase lead phase compensation optimisation
Abstract:Phase compensation for high-order repetitive control (HORC) can improve system transient and steady-state performances. The phase compensator is often designed as the inverse transfer function of a closed-loop system. No other phase compensation methods for HORC have been reported up to now. Hence, in this paper, a simple approximate phase cancellation second-order repetitive control (RC) is proposed. The compensator is a linear combination of two different linear phase lead compensators, which can better fit the inverse of a plant model phase curve compared with the conventional linear phase compensator. Optimisation is introduced to design the parameters of the approximate phase cancellation secondorder RC. Analysis and design of the second-order repetitive controlled pulse width modulation inverter system are presented. Simulations and experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimisation method and verify the advantage of the approximate phase cancellation compensator.
ISSN No.:0020-7217
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Co-author:Li, Dapeng
Correspondence Author:Melvin Ye
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