Long-Term Inhibition Capability of Alkali-Silica Reaction(ASR) by Li2CO3and AN-1 with Method of Accelerated Mortar-Bars Test

Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Journal:Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao
Abstract:Supplementary cementitious materials(SCM) or chemical admixtures(CA) blended in binder can mitigate the expansions due to alkali-silica reaction(ASR) effectually. The factual effects of Li2CO3or nitrate AN-1 against ASR were detected by means of long-term alkali immersion at high temperature, and the inhibiting capacities of Li2CO3or AN-1 were evaluated by accelerated mortar-bars test(AMBT). AN-1 is nitrate, a new CA at a low price. In addition, the expansions of mortar bars blended with SCM only during the long-term test were compared with those of Li2CO3or AN-1. The results obtained are shown that, the three groups of mortar bars, including AN-1+SCM group, Li2CO3+SCM group and solo SCM group, exhibit good inhibition effect during AMBT which meets the discriminant criteria on qualified ASR inhibition of AMBT. Among the short-term expansions of these three groups of mortar bars, the expansions of AN-1+SCM group as are same low as those of only SCM group, which are lower than the Li2CO3+SCM group's. However, during the long-term test, the AN-1+SCM group and Li2CO3+SCM group exhibit outstanding inhibition which is still maintained at low expansions, while the single SCM group does not. Among the long-term expansions of these three groups, the expansions of M2 mortar bars blended with Li2CO3+SCM are the lowest. Finally, the optimum AN-1 content in AN-1+SCM group is obtained and the threshold range of AN-1 content is recommended to take 0.75%-1.25% by the mass of cement. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Building Materials. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1007-9629
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-02-01
Co-author:Gao, Peng,Li, Ying,Wen, Jing,Zang, Yamei
Correspondence Author:Gao, Peng,yhf
Date of Publication:2018-02-01