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Main positions:Professor
Other Post:NULL
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Yang Fengfan



Education Level:东南大学

Alma Mater:Southeast University

Paper Publications

Reed-Muller Network Coded-Cooperation With Joint Decoding
Date of Publication:2019-01-01 Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:IEEE Commun Lett
Abstract:This letter proposes a Reed-Muller network coded-cooperative (RMNCC) scheme with the joint decoding. The Kronecker product (KP) construction is utilized to construct RM codes. The KP construction is effectively employed to accomplish network coded-cooperation between two users. An asymptotic error performance bound is presented to validate the average BER performance of the RMNCC scheme over fast Rayleigh fading channel. Monte Carlo simulated results for the RMNCC scheme agree with the analytical framework at higher SNR. Furthermore, a joint bit selection algorithm for the optimum selection of information bits at the relay node is also proposed, which results in an improved BER performance. © 2019 IEEE.
ISSN No.:1089-7798
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-01-01
Co-author:Mughal, Shoaib,Umar, Rahim
Correspondence Author:Yang Fengfan
Date of Publication:2019-01-01