Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:Telecommun. Syst.
Abstract:A spatial modulation scheme based on the multi-level construction of polar code is proposed and its performance over Rayleigh and Rician fading channels is evaluated. The spatial modulation exhibits antenna index transmission that inculcates an increased spectral efficiency in the proposed setup. Moreover, in the considered multi-level construction of polar code there exists a parallel built-in structure that enabled us to effectively extend the proposed polar coded spatial modulation scheme to cooperative scenarios. In order to check the usefulness of the proposed coded cooperative spatial modulation scheme, we have also developed a conventional polar coded cooperative nested scheme in the context of spatial modulation. Monte Carlo simulated results reveal that the proposed coded cooperative spatial modulation scheme outperforms the nested coded cooperative spatial modulation scheme under an identical conditions. The increased bit-error-rate performance of the proposed coded cooperative spatial modulation scheme is made possible due to effective deployment of the joint successive cancellation polar decoder at the destination node. Moreover, the proposed coded cooperative spatial modulation schemes outperform its coded non-cooperative counterpart schemes under identical conditions, as expected. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
ISSN No.:1018-4864
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-03-15
Co-author:Mughal, Shoaib,Xu, HongJun,Umar, Rahim
Correspondence Author:Yang Fengfan
Date of Publication:2019-03-15
Yang Fengfan
Education Level:东南大学
Alma Mater:Southeast University
Paper Publications
Coded cooperative spatial modulation based on multi-level construction of polar code
Date of Publication:2019-03-15 Hits: