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Paper Publications
Yu B S,Zhu Z H.Symmetric and asymmetric dynamics of a tethered satellite in nontypical planes:Acta Astronautica,2023,202(1):585-594
Yu B S,,Tang Y N,Ji K.Chaotic behaviors of an in-plane tethered satellite system with elasticity:Acta Astronautica,2022,193:395-405
Yu B S,,Ji K,Wei Z T,Jin D P.In-plane global dynamics and ground experiment of a linear tethered formation with three satellites:Nonlinear Dynamics,2022,108(4):3247-3278
Yu B S,,Xu S D,Jin D P.Chaos in a tethered satellite system induced by atmospheric drag and Earth’s oblateness:Nonlinear Dynamics,2020,101(4):1233-1244
Yu B S,,Huang Z,Geng L L,Jin D P.Stability and ground experiments of a spinning triangular tethered satellite formation on a low earth orbit:Aerospace Science and Technology,2019,92:595-604
Yu B S,,Geng L L,Wen H,Chen T,Jin D P.Ground-based experiments of tether deployment subject to an analytical control law:Acta Astronautica,2018,151:253-259
Yu B S,,Dai P B,Jin D P.Modeling and dynamics of a bare tape-shaped tethered satellite system:Aerospace Science and Technology,2018,79:288-296
Yu B S,,Jin D P,Wen H.Analytical deployment control law for a flexible tethered satellite:Aerospace Science and Technology,2017,66(1):294-303
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