力学, 重庆大学
工程力学, 重庆大学
力学, 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)
固体力学, 北京航空航天大学
航空工程, 贝尔法斯特女王大学
Work Experience
航空学院 | 南京航空航天大学 
机电学院/重庆创新中心 | 北京理工大学 
Social Affiliations
- Mengqing Yang,Weifu Sun,Weiguo Li,Lei Cao,Pingping Yang,Jun Jiang,Ying Li.Temperature-dependent mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelet reinforced polymer nanocomposites: Micromechanical modeling and interfacial analysis.[J]:Composites Part B: Engineering,2023,270:111143
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.Modeling the effective elastic and viscoelastic properties of randomly distributed short fiber reinforced composites.[J]:Composites Communications,2022,35:101341
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.A highly efficient explicit constitutive model for linear viscoelastic closed-cell porous materials.[J]:Composites Science and Technology,2022,228:109647
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.Hyperelastic behaviors of closed-cell porous materials at a wide porosity range.[J]:Composite Structures,2022,294:115792
- Yaru Sun#,Pingping Yang#,Weifu Sun.Effects of kaolinite on thermal, mechanical, fire behavior and their mechanisms of intumescent flame-retardant polyurea.[J]:Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022,197:109842
- Pingping Yang,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu,Xiaojun Guo,Leiting Dong.An ultra-simple universal model for the effective elastic properties of isotropic 3D closed-cell porous materials.[J]:Composite Structures,2020,249:112531
- Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Leiting Dong,Pingping Yang,Yexin Zhou,Esteban P. Busso.A micromechanics-based constitutive model for linear viscoelastic particle-reinforced composites.[J]:Mechanics of Materials,2020,140:103228
- Haitang Yang,Yang Chen,Shenwei Xu,Pingping Yang,Leiting Dong,Zaoyang Guo,Xiaozhong Huang.Mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC mini-composites reinforcements for SiCf/SiC composites.[J]:Journal of Physics Conference Series,2019,1347:1-10
- Pingping Yang,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Yifan Zhang,Leiting Dong,Ning Hu.Why the reciprocal theorem of Poisson's ratios does not hold for some orthotropic flexible textile composites.[J]:Composite Structures,2019,225:111110
- Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Leiting Dong,Wantao Guo,Pingping Yang,Junhua Zhao,Zheng Zhong.Constitutive modeling of neo-Hookean materials with spherical voids in finite deformation.[J]:Extreme Mechanics Letters,2018,24:47-57
- 孙伟福,阳平平, 一种面向等效刚度定制的多孔材料设计方法
- 黄春阳,袁梦琦,阳平平,孙伟福,司洪利,向林,宁海清,陶建全, 一种盐雾试验方法与装置
- 郭早阳,阳平平, 复合材料夹芯结构真空灌注一次成型方法
- Mengqing Yang,Weifu Sun,Weiguo Li,Lei Cao,Pingping Yang,Jun Jiang,Ying Li.Temperature-dependent mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelet reinforced polymer nanocomposites: Micromechanical modeling and interfacial analysis.[J]:Composites Part B: Engineering,2023,270:111143
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.Modeling the effective elastic and viscoelastic properties of randomly distributed short fiber reinforced composites.[J]:Composites Communications,2022,35:101341
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.A highly efficient explicit constitutive model for linear viscoelastic closed-cell porous materials.[J]:Composites Science and Technology,2022,228:109647
- Pingping Yang,Weifu Sun,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu.Hyperelastic behaviors of closed-cell porous materials at a wide porosity range.[J]:Composite Structures,2022,294:115792
- Yaru Sun#,Pingping Yang#,Weifu Sun.Effects of kaolinite on thermal, mechanical, fire behavior and their mechanisms of intumescent flame-retardant polyurea.[J]:Polymer Degradation and Stability,2022,197:109842
- Pingping Yang,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Ning Hu,Xiaojun Guo,Leiting Dong.An ultra-simple universal model for the effective elastic properties of isotropic 3D closed-cell porous materials.[J]:Composite Structures,2020,249:112531
- Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Leiting Dong,Pingping Yang,Yexin Zhou,Esteban P. Busso.A micromechanics-based constitutive model for linear viscoelastic particle-reinforced composites.[J]:Mechanics of Materials,2020,140:103228
- Haitang Yang,Yang Chen,Shenwei Xu,Pingping Yang,Leiting Dong,Zaoyang Guo,Xiaozhong Huang.Mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC mini-composites reinforcements for SiCf/SiC composites.[J]:Journal of Physics Conference Series,2019,1347:1-10
- Pingping Yang,Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Yifan Zhang,Leiting Dong,Ning Hu.Why the reciprocal theorem of Poisson's ratios does not hold for some orthotropic flexible textile composites.[J]:Composite Structures,2019,225:111110
- Yang Chen,Zaoyang Guo,Leiting Dong,Wantao Guo,Pingping Yang,Junhua Zhao,Zheng Zhong.Constitutive modeling of neo-Hookean materials with spherical voids in finite deformation.[J]:Extreme Mechanics Letters,2018,24:47-57
Research project
- 仿生互穿相复合材料的吸能与阻尼协同防护机理研究,在研,国家自然科学基金委员会,阳平平
- 颗粒碰撞动力学的微观结构演化及动态力学行为,在研,重庆市科学技术局,阳平平
- 短纤维增强复合材料的细观力学粘-超弹性本构建模,在研,爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室,阳平平
- 轻质多孔材料的等效粘弹性力学性能研究,已结题,北京理工大学,阳平平
- 3D打印玄武岩纤维复合材料冲击损伤行为与失效机理研究,已结题,北京市教育基金会,阳平平
- 基于微观结构分析的铝锂合金自然环境下的劣化机制及预测模型,已结题,中国兵器工业集团第五九研究所,阳平平
- 3D打印连续碳纤维增强复合材料与结构的力学性能和破坏机理研究,已结题,国家自然科学基金委员会,阳平平
- 轴向经编织物及其涂层织物在有限变形下的本构建模及破坏机理研究,已结题,国家自然科学基金委员会,阳平平
- 多孔材料及其夹芯结构的控制及损伤机理研究,已结题,教育部,阳平平
- 有限变形颗粒增强复合材料本构建模及应用,已结题,国家自然科学基金委员会,阳平平