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Main positions:南航和美国南加州大学国际联合卓越研究中心主任,全国惯性技术与产品标准化工作组委员,中国电子学会科技咨询委员会委员,中国惯性技术学会惯性系统与测量专业委员会委员,中国宇航学会空间遥感专业委员会委员,《兵工学报》和《中国空间科学技术》编委
Other Post:Aerospace Science and Technology最佳审稿人贡献奖、航空学报优秀审稿专家
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Automation Engineering




Education Level:南京航空航天大学

Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学

Paper Publications

Research on Pedestrian Navigation System Aided by Indoor Geomagnetic Matching
Date of Publication:2017-01-01 Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Key Words:ZUPT Kalman Filter Geomagnetic Matching Multi-layer constraint Integrated Navigation System
Abstract:Indoor pedestrian navigation technology is playing a more and more important role in our life. For low cost strap-down navigation system, error is large and spreads rapidly. Hence, this paper proposes a zero velocity update (ZUPT) detection algorithm based on acceleration magnitude square variance detector (AMSVD), angular rate magnitude square variance detector (ARMSVD), acceleration magnitude square detector (AMSD) and angular rate magnitude square detector (ARMSD) to distinguish pedestrian kinetic characteristics and restrain the divergence of errors. Meanwhile, this paper studies the pseudo measurement information in ZUPT and builds a kalman filter for optimal estimation of errors. Simultaneously, we study the indoor magnetic anomaly and put forward a kind of indoor geomagnetic matching algorithm based on k-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN) and a multi-layer constraint which is suitable for engineering application. Finally, we construct an integated navigation system to realize optimal fusion of MEMS pedestrian navigation system and geomagnetic matching model to improve accuracy and adaptation and provide continuous position information, besides, it weakens the effect of MEMS sensor over range. Tests show that the accuracy of the integrated navigation system is increased by more than 55% and the final position error is only 0.4%.
ISSN No.:1948-9439
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Correspondence Author:ZHI XIONG
Date of Publication:2017-01-01