Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Key Words:eye neurophysiology visual evoked potentials biomechanics edge detection image texture image filtering medical image processing contour detection model neuron behaviour mammalian primary visual cortex classical receptive field CRF visual stimuli nonCRF neuron inhibition saturation properties neuron response fixational eye movements FEyeMs threshold method multichannel filter bank object contour preservation isolated texture inhibition
Abstract:In the mammalian primary visual cortex, the response of the classical receptive field (CRF) to visual stimuli can be suppressed by inhibition of non-CRF (nCRF) neurons. Although many biologically plausible models based on these centre-surround interaction properties have been proposed, most of these models have failed to account for two important behaviours of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1). First, saturation properties of neuron response. Second, the properties of fixational eye movements (FEyeMs). In the present study, the authors proposed a biologically motivated counter detection approach based on these properties. The authors' work is significant in that they utilised a simple threshold method to ensure that CRF responses were observed within a meaningful range, and multichannel filter bank was proposed to simulate the influence of FEyeMs on nCRF. Both methods effectively preserved object contours and inhibition isolated textures. Extensive experiments indicated that the authors' model can preserve more object contours and suppress more textures than previous biologically based models.
ISSN No.:1751-9632
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-09-01
Co-author:Lin, Chuan,Cao, Yijun
Correspondence Author:Guili xu
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Automation Engineering
Discipline:Measurement Technology and Instrumentation. Precision Instrument and Machinery
Business Address:2-316
Contact Information:13851714597,
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