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The effect of deposition parameters on microstructure and properties of cBN films by linear ion source assisted RFMS


Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院

Title of Paper:The effect of deposition parameters on microstructure and properties of cBN films by linear ion source assisted RFMS


Key Words:cBN film deposition temperature bias voltage ALLIS residual stress

Abstract:Cubic boron nitride (cBN) films were prepared by Anode Layer Linear Ion Source (ALLIS) assisted Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering (RFMS) method, and the effect of deposition temperature and substrate bias voltage on the phase component, surface morphology and nanohardness was investigated. In the experiment, the critical deposition temperature of 700 degrees C and bias voltage of -200 V were obtained as the threshold for the formation of cBN. The cBN content in the film increased with the increase of deposition temperature, while it gradually decreased when the bias voltage exceeded -210 V. Finally, cBN films were deposited at 900 degrees C and -210 V with varying ALLIS power, and the residual stress in the as-deposited films was calculated. The result indicated that cBN films with low residual stress can be obtained with ALLIS at high temperature and appropriate bias voltage.

ISSN No.:1058-4587

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-05-04

Co-author:Tian, Shuai,Ye, Peng,Wu, Jinxin,Tu, Luqiang,zdw,Yuangang Lu

Correspondence Author:XU Feng

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