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  • 吴红飞 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/wuhongfei/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师
  • 招生学科专业:
    电气工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
    能源动力 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 自动化学院
论文成果 当前位置: 南航-吴红飞 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
A Dual-Transformer-Based LLC Resonant Converter with Phase-Shift Control for Hold-Up Time Compensation Application

发表刊物:IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., ECCE
摘要:A dual-transformer-based LLC resonant converter with phase-shift control is investigated for holdup time compensation applications. High efficiency at normal input voltage can be achieved by operating the converter at the series resonant frequency of the resonant tank. The equivalent turns ratio of the two transformers can be regulated dynamically by adopting a semi-active rectifier and phase-shift control. Therefore, voltage step-up with regulated output is achieved during the hold-up time. The current and thermal stresses of both transformers and devices in the rectifiers are reduced with the dual-transformer structure. A major advantage of the presented solutions is that the conversion efficiency at normal input voltage is not affected by the requirement of hold-up time. Operation principles and characteristics of this converter are analyzed in detail. Experimental results are provided to evaluate the effectiveness of the presented solutions. © 2018 IEEE.
合写作者:Yu, Zhiyuan,Hua, Wenmin,Zhu, Jianxin,邢岩


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