Fred Wu
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,余致远,花文敏,xy.矩阵变压器+移相控制宽电压范围LLC变换器:中国电机工程学报,2019
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Dong, Xiaofeng,Lu, Yangjun,Sun, Kai,hhb.Distributed Autonomous Control Strategy for Modular Photovoltaic DC Grid-connected System:Dianli Xitong Zidonghue,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Sun, Kai,Liu, Tingting,xy.Isolated Buck-Boost converters with AC-TLR and dual-transformer structure for wide output voltage...:IET Power Electron.,2019
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,余致远,许晓晖,花文敏,xy.双向串联谐振变换器的定频PWM控制策略研究:电工电能新技术,2019
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Zhang, Yanfeng,Yang Fan.Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Converter With Integrated Buck Converter for Wide Output Volta...:Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Yu, Zhiyuan,Hua, Wenmin,Zhu, Jianxin,xy.A Dual-Transformer-Based LLC Resonant Converter with Phase-Shift Control for Hold-Up Time Compens...:IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., ECCE,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Lu, Yangjun,Sun, Kai,Dong, Xiaofeng,xy.A Three-Port Converter Based Distributed DC Grid Connected PV System with Autonomous Output Volta...:IEEE Trans Power Electron,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Gao, Xun,xy,Li, Mengxi.A Two-Stage AC-DC Converter with ?-? Configuration for Wide Output Voltage Range Applications:IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., ECCE,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Jia, Yihang,Liu, Tao,Tai, Yu,xy.A SiC-based dual-input buck-boost converter with independent MPPT for photovoltaic power systems:Proceedings: IECON - Annu. Conf. IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc.,2018
Fred Wu,Fred Wu,Gao, Shang,Shi, Jiahao,Dong, Xiaofeng,Jia, Yihang,hhb.Performance evaluation of a non-isolated three-port converter for PV-battery hybrid energy system:Proceedings: IECON - Annu. Conf. IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc.,2018