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Morphological Evolution of S-Phase in 2024 Aluminum under Tensile Creep at 448-463?K


Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院

Title of Paper:Morphological Evolution of S-Phase in 2024 Aluminum under Tensile Creep at 448-463?K

Journal:J Mater Eng Perform

Abstract:The morphological evolution behavior of S-phase in 2024 aluminum alloy under uniaxial tensile creep test at 448 and 463 K under 175, 200 and 225 MPa was studied in detail by HRTEM. Results showed that the S-phase was arranged in the zigzag manner, similar to a zebra pattern, under tensile stress at 448-463 K. And it maintained cubic structure, remarkably grew along the tension direction under uniaxial tensile stress, but grew minimally perpendicular to the stress direction. Compared with applied stress, the temperature had a greater effect on the growth of S-phase. The length of S-phase reached 100 ± 20 nm after testing for 24 h at 448 K under 200 MPa and 200 ± 50 nm after testing for 18 h at 463 K under 175 MPa. The S-phase not only grew significantly in length but also coarsened at 463 K, the lamellar structure becoming fuzzy, which caused the alloy to enter the tertiary creep stage, unsuitable for creep-aging forming. © 2019, ASM International.

ISSN No.:1059-9495

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-06-15

Co-author:Yang, Kai,Zhang Pingze,Li, Fengkun,Liang, Hongxuan,Yao Zhengjun

Correspondence Author:Wei Dongbo

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