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Trajectory tracking control of unmanned aerial vehicles based on cascaded LADRC design


Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Title of Paper:Trajectory tracking control of unmanned aerial vehicles based on cascaded LADRC design

Journal:Xi Tong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Syst Eng Electron

Abstract:The cascaded based on control system linear active disturbance rejection control (LADRC) is designed to attenuate the influence of wind disturbance on the path tracking accuracy of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) under complicated environment. The outer loop of the control system adopts the 3rd-order LADRC design for position control under wind disturbance. The inner loop adopts the 4th-order LADRC design for the attitude control taking into account the dynamic characteristics of actuators. Then cascaded LADRC and the cascaded PID control schemes are compared by simulation. The results show that they are different in disturbance rejection effects although both control schemes are able to realize the position and attitude control of the quadrotor UAV. The LADRC one is more immune to disturbances, with a high acouracy, better disturbance rejection properties and high robustness and there are not so many parameters to be turned. Hence, it conforms to the actual needs of the project. © 2019, Editorial Office of Systems Engineering and Electronics. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1001-506X

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-06-01

Co-author:tcy,Yao, Zhennan

Correspondence Author:Wang Bill

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