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副教授 硕士生导师
管理科学与工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 经济与管理学院
工业工程与管理 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 经济与管理学院
物流工程与管理 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 经济与管理学院
- [1]Wang Xiaolun,,Yu Xiaofeng,Feng Fan,Song Peijian.Impact of product customization level on consumer's word-of-mouth behaviors and contents: A field...:Information Technology & People,2022:forthcoming.(第一作者,ABS三星期刊)
- [2]Wang Xiaolun,Lu Tian*,Xu (Calvin) Yunjie,Zhang Chenghong.Why do borrowers default on online loans? An inquiry of their psychology mechanism:Internet Research,2020,30(4):1203-1228.(第一作者,ABS三星/SCI一区期刊)
- [3]Wang Xiaolun,Yao Xinlin*.Fueling pro-environmental behaviors with gamification design: Identifying key elements in ant for...:Sustainability,2020,12(6):2213.(第一作者,JCR二区期刊)
- [4]Gu Jie,Wang Xiaolun*,Lu Tian.I like my app but I wanna try yours: Exploring user switching from a learning perspective.[J]:Internet Research,2020,30(2):611-630.(通讯作者,ABS三星/SCI一区期刊)
- [5]Gao Ping,Wang Xiaolun*,Chen Hong,Dai Weihui,Ling Hong.What is beautiful is not always good: Influence of machine learning-derived photo attractiveness ...:Connection Science,2021,33(2):321-340.(通讯作者,SCI收录期刊)
- [6]Wang Xiaolun,Xu (Calvin) Yunjie*,Hong Zhijuan,Zhang Chenghong.Relevance judgments of mobile commercial information:Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,2014,65(7):1335-1348.(第一作者,ABS三星期刊)
- [7]Wu Dawei,Zhao Yuxiang,Wang Xiaolun,Song Shijie,Lian Jingwen.Digital Hoarding in Everyday Hedonic Social Media Use: The Roles of Fear of Missing out (FoMO) an...:International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction,2023:forthcoming.(JCR Q1,SCI & SSCI双收录)
- [8]Yao Xinlin,Zhao Yuxiang,Song Shijie,Wang Xiaolun.Beyond disclosure: the role of self-identity and context collapse in privacy management on identi...:Journal of Documentation,2023,79(3):718-742.(SSCI收录)
- [9]Pan Yonggang,,Xu (Calvin) Yunjie*,Wang Xiaolun,Zhang Chenghong.Integrating social networking support for dyadic knowledge exchange: A study in a virtual communi...,2015,52(1):61-70.(ABS三星/SCI一区期刊)
- [10]洪志娟,王筱纶*.技能型共享经济买方个人信息披露、服务商信号释义及响应行为研究:南开管理评论,2021,24(3):128-138.(通讯作者,国自科A类期刊,CSSCI收录)
- [11]王筱纶,赵宇翔*,王曰芬.倾向得分匹配法:促进数据科学视角下情报学研究的因果推断:情报学报,2020,39(11):1191-1203.(第一作者,国自科A类期刊,CSSCI收录)
- [12]王筱纶,顾洁.企业危机网络舆情的传播路径及其在供应链中的纵向溢出效应研究:管理科学,2019,32(1):42-55.(第一作者,国自科A类期刊,CSSCI收录)
- [13]顾洁,王筱纶*,胡安安.社交网络信息竞争扩散的关键节点策略研究:情报科学,2020,38(3):78-86.(通讯作者,CSSCI收录)
- [14]王筱纶,赵宇翔*,刘筱.公众科学项目中的公众信任机理及提升策略研究:基于公众的视角:情报资料工作,2018,224(5):25-33.(第一作者,CSSCI收录)
- [15]王筱纶,赵宇翔,刘筱.公众科学项目中志愿者信任的影响因素实证探索:图书与情报,2019,3:85-95.(第一作者,CSSCI收录)
- [16]Sun Zhihao,Wang Xiaolun,Hong Zhijuan,Yao Qian.Understanding bidding strategy of service providers in crowdsourcing marketplace: The influence o...:Communications in Computer and Information Science (HCII 2023),2023,1835:409-415.(通讯作者,EI收录)
- [17]Wang Xiaolun,,Zhang Cheng,Xue Ling.Investigating WOMs behind crisis: Contingent spillover effect in supply chain partnership:The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019):(第一作者,信管系顶级会议,EI收录)
- [18]Wang Xiaolun,,Liu Lin.Effect of firms’ responsive strategies in crisis: Based on big data analysis in social media:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (HCII 2019),11589:256-265.(第一作者,EI收录)
- [19]Wang Xiaolun,,Chen Hong,Zhang Cheng.Negative spillover of external WOM in supply chain partnership:Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015):(第一作者,EI收录)
- [20]Wang Xiaolun,,Yao Xinlin,Gu Jie.Attraction and addiction factors of online games on older adults: A qualitative study:Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population (ITAP 2019),11593:256-266. (第一作者,EI收录)